
love, love love...

Love, love, love...that's been my blog page headline since I've started this little thing and now I'm going to tell you why:
The other day I said to the guys in the band that it is a quote of a quote. Being the smarty pants that they all can be at times they said, "So in other words it's a quote?" I responded with, "Whatever". Anyway, it is me quoting Micheal W. Smith quoting Bono. I think it was in CCM or somewhere Smitty was talking about how he got to hang out at the studio with U2 while they were making there last studio album. At some point Bono turned to him and said," I think we're going to call the record How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. Do you know how to do that Micheal?" "With love, love, love!" For whatever reason that statement has stuck with me for the past couple years because I feel I've found some profound truth in it.
There are many people in my life who, when I look into their eyes, I feel like I can see the fuse burning and it's just a mattter of time before they are going to explode. I've found more often than not that dousing that fuse with love makes it go out. Many times though I've found that the reason the fuse was lit to begin with was because of my lack of showing love to that person. I'm almost 30 years old and I'm just now figuring stuff like this out. Will I ever be more of a leader and less of a follower? Will I ever not be too shy to express to those around me how I truly feel? Is it possible that I could even get good at showing love? God please help me to do it so that my little world of friends and family doesn't explode on me.
Also that U2 record turned to be really good. You should check it out if you've never heard it before.