Well being that this is technically Dec. 22nd the word of the day is PANIC! Mainly because I don't think I have even half of my Christmas shopping done yet. It never fails, this happens every year and I need to not put myself in this situation next year cuz' it stresses me out and snags my joy during my favorite time of year and that sucks! Anyway, pray for me that between today and tomorrow I'll manage to pull off getting it done. The toughest part is just knowing what to get people that's not lame and hopefully somewhat original.
Anyone ever read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman? Great book by the way, even if you're not married. In the book it talks about how different people show and receive love. Some people have the love language of giving gifts so that's what they do to show love for someone and then also that usually tends to be the way that they feel loved by someone. If they're given something, they feel very loved and cared for.
Well I think I'm learning something about myself here. I think I procrastinate at Christmas shopping and putting in the time and thought that it really takes to pull it off well not because I don't care about giving good gifts but more because I honestly don't care too much about receiving them. You see for me, when I took the Five Love Languages little test in the back of the book, receiving gifts was last place. So because I'm not one who NEEDS stuff like that done for me to feel like you care about me, I think I tend to forget that to others giving them a really thoughtful, "perfect for them" kind of gift might just mean the world to them.
So yea, anyway, I better get to bed so I can think of some thoughtful gifts for the people I love tomorrow so they know that I DO love them and care about them.
Also, if anyone reading this got me a Christmas gift, I will love it and appreciate very much! Don't get the wrong impression here, I do like to get gifts, I'm just saying you can still be my friend even if you didn't get me anything. Alright enough crazy talk, I'm going to bed.
1 comment:
I haven't read the book yet but I think my love language is quality time. I appreciate it when someone makes time in their schedule just to hang with me. Not even just the two of us, a small group is great too!!!
ummmmm....no this is not a "hint, hint" post. Although if you wanna hang out, I'm up for it!!!!
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