So this morning I'm going to brag a bit. I'm not usually one for tooting my own horn, but this is pretty stinkin' cool! It actually doesn't have anything to do with me, not in the sense of like I did something great to do deserve it or anything. This is actually more me bragging on one of the most generous people/companies I've ever met, I just get to be the blessed recipient, Risen Drums are the ones that are so cool!
I've been endorsing RD for about a year and a half now, have had an amazing drum kit that they gave me at cost that has served me quite well both live and in the studio. In fact I used that kit exclusively to record our latest record, "We Need Each Other", and it sounds great if I do say so myself.
I happen to call Keith Anderson, the owner of Risen Drums a couple of months ago to let him that we just got hooked up with the Third Day tour and that I would maybe want to get another kit for that tour. Keith decided that he wants all the Risen guys to have at least two kits on hand at all times so he agreed that I needed a new kit but then also took it a step further and declared that I was going to be receiving this kit free of charge! Yea, I about pooped my pants when he said that. I couldn't believe it! So here are pic's of my very beautiful new Risen Custom Drums and this is my tribute to the most generous and amazing drum company in the world! Risen Drums Rock!
O' yea, for all you drum nuts out there, the spec's are this:
All 6 ply maple shells, all wood hoops, except the snare which is 8 ply with a wood hoop on the bottom and a triple flanged steel hoop on top.
Kick 18"x24"
1st Tom 9"x12"
2nd Tom 12"x15"
3rd Tom 15"x18"
Snare 7"x14" and features a Trick throw off
Kit custom painted by Risen and front kick head created by Drum Art (
They're UNC colors.
i freakin love having john bonham drums in my ears every night!! you rock mark, and definitely deserve these drums.
They are beautiful. Thanks for the link to DrumArt. I had no idea this was a possibility let alone that they existed. Definitely going to use them for my band's new album.
nice drums, man. Im a drummer of Youngstown, Ohio, so i can relate. I have a drum set, obviosly. If you go to my myspace(im Paul Oder), u can see it. By the way, my church went to Toledo a while back to sing & minister to people, maybe u heard them. The church is called Highway Tabernacle. See yah
Mark! Those things are flippin' sweet! TWO floor toms? I don't see that very often! They're also pretty, but not in a girly way :)
i really don't know anything about drums, but those are pretty :)
Beautiful kit. I've played drums since I was 7 and have dreamt of a kit like that.
Very much like a Buddy Rich set. Maybe now the guys will let you go off on a Buddy style drum solo in the middle of each song!
Those are VERY nifty!
Have fun with them, and congrats!
considering i'm a huge fan of SR and UNC this is like my dream kit.
I got 1st dibbs on this kit when you sell it :)
hope you guys have a great year touring, and come to VA!
Congratulations on your drum gift. That was a blessing from God The Risen drums do rock. I love the mixture of the blue and white. I have been playing drums since I was 16 and I'm now 46. My son who is 22 plays and my daughter almost has it down packed. You have a fine looking family and congratulations on the new baby coming. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. SUSAN
hey i cant wait to see yall play on the 19th. What wood is used maple mahogoney oak? does it produce a good tone. it looks cool
my bad about the last comment what type of head are you using on there?
Beautiful :)
I dont really no much about drums. Well, really I dont know anything about them except they sound really cool. And yours look awesome. And I like them.. a lot. And I like you.. a lot. That probably sounded kind of creepy. Oh well. :)
They're the epitome of awesome!
p.s. You rock!!!
Look good, but why do they not say DW on them....hahaha. I'm sure these sound great, just giving you a hard time. Enjoy the new kit, its an awsome feeling to have a brand new drum set!!!
Whoa......even better than the other kit!
Color me jealous.
Hi mark Im a fan of sanctus real... you are amazing and your songs have blessed my life keep rocking..^^ I am from Brazil and I am a drummer too.. but not so god like you hehehe but I try, beatyful kit ... God bless you.
Beautiful drum set!
I love how it says "Sanctus Real",
that makes me smile!
God Bless you when you play, Mark!
Rock on!
thats awesome mark! your new kit looks great! i didn't realize until i read your blog and check the risen site that keith "keeto" anderson formerly of the band big fat jam is the one that owns risen. that's awesome. i worked with them back in the day. now you reconnected me to him.
see you in albany april 4th! i'm excited!
Mark that is sooooo cool! Congratulations!!!
I must say those are pretty sweet looken drums.
MARK! your drums are glorious!
so exciting for you!!!!
i can't wait to see & hear you bang the heck out of those lovely things in person!
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
...okay, so I'm a pastor...what do expect?
If they made a compact kit I'd be interested. Sick of full size kits. No room
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