Hello ladies and gentleman! I hope this little blog finds you all doing well. I had a funny experience the other day; I woke up, looked out the window and saw that there was about five inches of snow on the ground and it was still coming down. Naturally caused it to be a bit of a lazy morning around the Graalman household but eventually I got out there with my new snow blower that I got at The Anderson's. (If you ever come to Toledo for any reason you have to go to The Anderson's because it's a great store!) Anyways, once I got out there I tore that driveway in half! Also, for the record, I cleared my neighbor's driveway for her as well.
Not long ago there was a link posted on one our blogs that took people to an interview I had done where I was asked to give six different examples of ways that we could "love our neighbor". One of the things I put down was, "15 inches of snow just fell, you have a snow blower, your neighbor doesn't. Need I say more?". Well the other morning as I was clearing my driveway and looking over at my neighbor's driveway and thinking about the fact that she's a single mom with two kids I realized that I needed to do it or consider myself a hypocrite. I honestly do desire to show God's love to people in practical ways so I did it. I've got to be honest though, I didn't think she was home, I thought she was at work. Now my neighbor is an excited, loud, outgoing, African American woman. I am a shy, quiet, reserved, white guy. I was right in the middle of clearing her driveway when I hear this voice that was so loud I could hear it over my snow blower! I looked up and my neighbor was standing in her front doorway screaming at the top of her lungs, "O' GOD! O' GOD! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!
I was just glad that the cold outside was making my cheeks red already because she made me blush! I felt a little embarrassed and kind of awkward almost as if I was 12 again. It did apparently bless her though, so hopefully The Lord will be able to use my shy awkwardness for His glory and plant some seeds in her heart.
Her son David, who is a month younger than my son Ben, then proceeded to come outside once he realized that Ben and I were out there and the three of us then built a small snow man. Good times had by all! The End.
Hey, Mark.
That's awesome that you did that. It takes alot of will-power to do something like that, especially if you have things you'd rather do, but that was nice of you. I think we can all learn from this one in some way (all though down here in Georgia snow isn't a problem, cause we usally gat only about two inches per year!!!) :D
I know this is totaly unrelated, but I couldn't find it on the site, and so I have to ask this question: What does your band's name stand for? Just post it in the comments, and I check back for it.
You did an awesome thing!!
btw...your kido, Ben is soooooooooo cute!!!
Sometimes all that needs to be said is "Amen, Brother!"
Aw, Mark, that's so awesome. This blog made me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside :D
Thats so sweet Mark. :) Way to stick to your word, I respect that immensely. I read that interview btw, it was great :) I'm positive you blessed that woman, and its an awesome testimony even to the neihbors that could've been peeking out their window's across the street from ya.
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