Well we are in Monroe, La. today, as the Third Day tour continues. I think this is show #8. Revive is on stage right now warmin' 'em up real good. We've had a couple great days off in St. Louis where we hooked up with the December Radio guys and thoroughly enjoyed some Macaroni Grill together! Good times. We hung out in a couple malls, saw a movie, kicked December Radio's tail in a couple games of bowling. You know, the usual. Ok so we didn't actually beat December Radio at bowling. We split the teams up so it wasn't band against band, but if it had been DR vs. SR, Sanctus would have prevailed for sure.
Alright, due to lack of time before we played I was forced to put my lil' blog on hold and finish it later. So now the show is completely over. It was a great night. Fun crowd to play for here in Louisiana, but the best part came at the end of the night.
You see some of the locals decided they were going boil us up a big ol' tub of cajun crawfish! I've got to be honest, being a white dude from Northern Ohio, I didn't really know what to think about it at first. The sight and smell of those things almost talked me out of trying them, but I'm glad I got past that and gave them a shot because cajun crawfish are officially amazing in my book! Basically you grab the crawfish by it's head and it's tail and you twist it in half. You throw the head away and suck the meat out of the tail. Now in Louisiana they boil the crawfish in these special cajun spices that make it quite spicy but yet really tasty! Definitely good stuff.
Tomorrow we play in Metairie which is right outside of New Orleans, so who knows, maybe we'll get some more cajun goodness tomorrow. I surely hope so.
Sounds like a great time.
When I was a kid our family always visited my dad's family in Wyoming for the summer. Us kids caught 199 crawdads in the irrigation ditch. We had no real idea how to cook them, but they were basically scaled, the tails removed, battered and deep fried, and they were extremely good that way. LOL
I have a feeling I'd like the cajun version if I could get past the visual. LOL
oops... that was supposed to be scalded, not scaled. LOL
haha. cool!!
Hey Mark, thanks for letting us in on your personal life! It's nice to see the "normalcy" of a rock star. ( cause you are rock stars!)You are always so open and genuine!! Cute family!! We'll be praying for you all!! We get to see you next month at the Fox Theatre!! We're so excited!!
I'm from New Orleans, and omg. I totally agree with you on the cajun food. Crawfish are one of my fave foods (you would probably love them in a creole pasta!) and I miss them, because I live in Florida now.
But mmm. You made me wish I'd had some. :)
i had the pleasure of seeing you guys in Metarie...i've been a fan for a few years now. you guys were even more awesome than i coulda ever expected by the way.
and yeah, Crawfish rock. next time you're down here, have some boiled shrimp.
Aww..you were in St. Louis for a couple of days and didn't play for us?? I'm disappointed. :(
Crawdads are fun to catch! We fish for them in our creek sometimes. We even cooked them once. But it's a lot of work for such a little bit of food! :P
hi man... I saw the photos and in the photo of the stage I saw your new drum set... Oo unbelieveble totaly beatiful... I want a drum like that..
God Bless and keep rock... Rock and roll for the head and Jesus for the heart...^^
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